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Great writers need great editors. Click for a classic example.
Editing services for authors from Cape Fear Publishers
Editing services for authors from Cape Fear Publishers
Graphic design
Data management
Proof reading
Copy editing
In-depth editing
Fact Checking
Writing coaching
Ghost writing and co-authorship
John Meyer's editing blog
Editing & writing
In-depth editing
In-depth editing: Insight and advice
on organization and story structure
A practiced eye: Expert attention to your narrative's substance

  An informal, results-oriented collaborative process will help you shape and organize your text, identify gaps and clarify your narrative. Starting from a sample chapter, I can offer recommendations about the level of editing your manuscript needs.
  If the author accepts my recommendation to edit in depth, I'll offer my best estimate of the number of hours required before starting work.

  What you can expect from the editing process will include a close review, and proposed corrections, of such language basics as spelling, punctuation, grammar and word usage. But in addition to this basic copy editing, the process will address fundamentals of the story itself. That's true of both fiction and non-fiction.
  I'll identify any gaps or omissions that may require additional information or explanations. I'll suggest ways to clarify language that's hard to understand, or that can be read with more than one meaning. I'll offer thoughts about how the organization might be improved. I'll comment on specifics of plot, character and description.
  In all cases, my objective is to ensure that the author's meaning comes through as intended, and as clearly as possible. I also strive to preserve the writer's distinctive voice. Whether that tone is dryly professorial or wildly quirky, I'll respect your style while polishing any rough spots that interfere with clarity.
  Substantive editing also includes correcting errors of fact or context, spotting inconsistencies in such details as dates and names, and clarifying time sequence, cause and effect and other continuity issues.

  Because much of this process is subjective, it's normal to have give-and-take between author and editor. I may interpret a passage in a way the writer didn't intend, but after hearing an explanation can suggest a less ambiguous wording. Expect me to ask questions to ensure I totally understand every detail of a manuscript.
  I use the "track changes" and "notes" features in Microsoft Word. This ensures the author can see exactly what I've changed, and why. The marginal notes let me put questions in context, and explain my proposed changes. The writer can accept or reject each editing change, and the Word document will keep track of every step, no matter how many times the manuscript goes back and forth.
Get a critical reader's feedback before you publish.
In-depth editing: a partnership to shape the narrative   A fruitful editing process doesn't have to be face to face, as in this scene from the 1940 newsroom farce His Girl Friday. It does need to be a candid, respectful collaboration between editor and writer. (Here, the editor is played by Cary Grant and the writer by Rosalind Russell.)
  A good editor's critical eye, questions and suggestions can make the difference between a promising failure and a brilliant publishing debut. I can help you shape and organize your work, whatever your level of experience as a writer.

  To request a rate quotation, GO to query form.

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