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Website redesign prototype
  A really strong visual concept, which took a genuinely creative, intelligent view of the brief. Communication throughout was clear and prompt. Next time I get a brief that requires someone who can really engage, intelligently, with the content -- as well as pushing pixels around photoshop -- I will be inviting Cape Fear Publishers to the project!
  I absolutely LOVE the way that you engaged with the brief and did something genuinely creative with it -- and I mean creative in the sense of an original solution to a challenge, not self-indulgence!
  Yours was by far the best idea of the three. And it was the design that got the head of the agency that I'm subcontracting this from really excited. I've got plenty of people who can do safe and professional -- but there's no point delivering 3 safe designs, it's much better to make 1-2 safe and 1-2 more intelligent ... and that's where I'd want to use you.

Kevin Hassall
owner, design agency
Chang Mai, Thailand

Facebook page cover graphic
  We were absolutely delighted with the end product. We enjoyed working with Cape Fear Publishers and highly recommend this designer. She is talented and professional and turned the job around very quickly!

Monique Whitney
owner, public relations firm
Phoenix, Arizona

  Academic commentary
  The following postings, concerning Kate Meyer's writing skills, are from a student discussion board for an online college psychology course.

Our Stressful Society
What types of events in modern society might trigger acute and posttraumatic stress disorders? What kinds of factors might serve to relieve the stresses of modern society? What do you do to help relieve your own stress? Do you use healthy methods, or ones (like smoking) that will lead to more problems in the future?

RE: Our Stressful Society
  My mug shot could illustrate “stress” in the Webster’s dictionary. I figure myself to be the Queen of Stressdom without even trying.
  However, I have to share the title. Certainly with many other people such as the mom who sent her giggling first grader to school and the little girl came back home in a box, her body riddled with bullet holes. And the tired construction worker who spent the last of his paycheck taking in a mindless but fun movie only to encounter a surprise guest carrying a loaded rifle -- and using it. Events such as these would play tremendous havoc with the psyche and wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon. (We don’t have to be a soldier in Afganistan to end up with post traumatic stress disorder. Our country conveniently offers anyone a chance at this.)
  To be fair, these example are on the extreme side, so let’ s dial it down a bit and discuss a much smaller stress-trigger such as losing your house. That can be a real nuisance. Being unemployed for seven months can also be annoying when you’ve got three kids to feed.
  Our society yields home grown terrorists, an unprecedented divide in the two main political parties and such a lousy economy Europeans are laughing at us. But we voted the responsible people in; it’s time to vote ‘em out. We need to stay educated and read valid, unbiased news stories and editorials and flip off the switch to Fox News for good.
  In the meantime, it’s good to find a healthy place to disappear. I lose myself when painting or drawing; I’m transported to another place and time when reading a good book. I’ve turned off the TV years ago; I’m more likely to find myself sipping a glass of red with a good book in hand.
Kathleen Meyer
Cape Fear Community College
Wilmington, NC

RE: Our Stressful Society
  Off the subject, but you are a fantastic writer. I started reading this and instantly was sucked in by the way you presented your topic. I am glad that you pointed out that you do not have to be a soldier in the war to have PTSD. When people hear about this disorder that is instantly where their mind goes and that is not always true. Just like you said, murder, death, loss, and so much more can cause people to fall apart the same way the soldiers do. Some people see just as crazy things in their own homes and go through many painful things every day. It is important to remember that this can happen to anyone because we have to be prepared and understand it can even happen to us.
Brittany P.
Cape Fear Community College
Wilmington, NC

RE: Our Stressful Society
  Kathleen, I agree with Brittany, you are a wonderful writer! I was also intrigued by the way you presented your topic. I agree that everyone needs their one thing that they can go to to unwind from all the stress around us.
Melissa S.
Cape Fear Community College
Wilmington, NC

  Customer comments
about personalized products

  The wine label was beautiful. Great job!!! Thanks so much!!!
Rose Jones

Dear Kate:
  We want to thank you for the creative and professional job you did on our wedding invitations, thank-you cards and champagne bottle labels. We really loved them and got so many compliments on them that we've lost count.
  You certainly helped to make our wedding even more special. We will refer our family and friends to you. Since Teresa grew up in Fayetteville, NC, we are even more happy to share news about how fun and creative you are.
All the best!
Walt & Teresa Geiger
Brown Deer, WI

Dear Kate:
  I have finally sat down and gone through our pictures! Enclosed are pictures I hope you and your staff will enjoy. Our party was a success and everyone could not get over the custom labels on the Life Savers. They were a HUGE HIT!!! Hope all is well at Cape Images and look forward to keeping in touch.
Nancy DeLuca
Lodi, NJ

Faculty commentary
about academic projects

  The sheer audacity! I don't don't whether to be outraged or impressed, so I'll be both. "Endotheliomiascytia"!? F for the blatant lie. A for doing it well. Bonus points for mentioning my friend Daniel Keyes.
Jeff Call
Professional Writing and Research, English 114
Cape Fear Community College
Wilmington, NC

  Hey Kate, Thank you for being a great student; as I have said before, it would be heaven if all my classes were filled with students as dedicated and talented as you. I hope you and your husband have lots of business coming your way!
Deborah Onate
Computer Art instructor
Cape Fear Community College
Wilmington, NC

Kate Meyer, bridging art and the written word
Kate Meyer

Microsoft Office Specialist certification
Kate Meyer is certified as a
Microsoft Excel Specialist.
Clients talk about John Meyer
Comments about writing and editing.  GO

Site last updated Wednesday, March 12, 2025      Copyright 2025, Cape Fear Images, Inc.